Thank You For Your Donations

Thank You to all who continue to give donations to the Church Collections online and by post or cash. It is so much appreciated at this difficult time. You can make a donation online via the DONATE Page to the First Collection (which goes to the Common Fund and...

Thank You For Your Generosity

I would like to thank those who have contributed in these difficult times to the Easter Dues. The Easter Dues along with the First Collection on Sundays goes to the Common Fund from which an allowance is paid to priests. As there has not been a public Mass with a...

John Nash RIP

We express our deepest sympathy to the family of John Nash, who died on the 6th May 2020. In accordance with Government restrictions his funeral Mass will be private. The Mass can however be viewed online through the web camera at St Brigid’s Church on Saturday...

Mairead Dennehy RIP

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mairead Dennehy, who died on the 22nd April 2020. A Private Funeral Mass will take place in St Brigid’s on Friday 24th April at 10 AM for immediate family only. It will be broadcast live on the Church Web Cam. May...