Anne O’Brien RIP

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Anne O’Brien, who died on the 13th April 2021. Her Funeral Mass is private but may be viewed on on Friday 16th April at 10 AM. May she rest in peace.

Children’s Drawings on Hope

We invited the St Brigid’s Primary Schools to do some drawings with the theme of Hope (see below). We hope to have the drawings displayed in the Church over Easter. Our thanks to St Brigid’s Girls and Boys; Schools. We also have recordings of the Boys and...

Eileen Magee RIP

We express our deepest sympathy to the family of Eileen Magee, who died on the 23rd March 2021. Her funeral Mass is strictly private due to Government Covid restrictions but may be viewed online at at 11 AM on Monday 29th March.  May...

George Boyle RIP

We express our deepest sympathy to the family of George Boyle, who died on the 20th March 2021. His funeral mass is strictly private and limited to immediate family only. It can be viewed online at on Thursday 25th March at 11 AM. May...