Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


Ronan Murphy RIP

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Ronan Murphy, who died on the 15th November 2022. His Funeral Mass will be in St Brigid's Church Cabinteely on Saturday 19th November at 10.30 AM with burial afterwards in Shanganagh Cemetery. May he rest in peace. His...

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Des Byrne RIP

We express our deepest sympathy to the family of Des Byrne, who died on the 5th November 2022. His Funeral Mass will be in St Brigid's Church on Wednesday 9th November at 10 AM with burial afterwards in St Mary's Cemetery, Dublin Road Carlow. May he rest in peace. His...

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Jim Stafford RIP

We express our deepest sympathy to the family of James (Jim) Stafford who died on the 2nd November 2022. His funeral Mass will be in St Brigid's Church on Friday 11th November at 10 AM with burial afterwards in Shanganagh Cemetery. May he rest in peace. The Funeral...

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Mass Attendance Numbers 2022

Each year we do a head count on three weekends in October. The last head count pre-covid was in October 2019 and the average was 617 in total. The result of the recent head count over the last three weekends is an average of 392.

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Noel Patrick Young RIP

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Noel Young, who died on the 25th October 2022. His Funeral Mass will be in St Brigid's Church on Friday 4th November at 10 Am with burial afterwards in Shanganagh Cemetery. May he rest in peace. The Mass may also be...

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Annual Mass for Deceased

Our Annual Mass for all who died from the parish in the last two years (Nov 2020 to the present) will take place in St Brigid's Church Cabinteely on Friday 4th November at 7.30 PM. If you have a close relative who died from outside the parish and would like them...

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Where does the Money go?

People often ask what the various collections in Church are for. At Sunday and Holy Day Masses, there are two collections First Collection goes to the "Diocesan Common Fund" which is a fund that pay an allowance to priests. (Christmas, Easter and Summer Dues also go...

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Mission Sunday 23 October

Next Sunday is Mission Sunday (23 October 2022). The second collection, normally for Share, will be replaced by the special annual collection to support the Missions World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries....

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Sylvia Ford RIP

We express our deepest sympathy to the family of Sylvia Ford, who died on the 8th October 2022. Her funeral Mass will be in St Brigid's Church Cabinteely on Thursday 13th October at 10 AM. May she rest in peace. The funeral may also be watched online at...

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