Welcome Back: Public Masses Resume

May 8, 2021

On Monday 10th May 2021, Public Masses  resumed in St Brigid’s Church with Mass at 10 AM. Numbers are limited but as we operate a pod system and the parish pastoral centre we can accommodate over 100 people. Funerals and Weddings are limited to 50 people. The last Public Mass we had was on Christmas Day so it has been a very long period to be waiting. It is wonderful that we can gather again. Please sanitise your hands as you enter and leave the Church and wear a face covering at all times and observe social distancing (even if fully vaccinated). For Communion we are reverting back to Communion at Communion time but please follow the instructions of the stewards. The obligation to attend Sunday Mass continues to be removed for the time being.  Our Masses continue also to be broadcast online at www.churchservices.tv/cabinteely

We have been instructed by the Archbishop to postpone the regular baptisms for the months of May and June.


Fr Aquinas Duffy

20 May 2021