Weekly News – 20th October 2013

Nov 20, 2013

World Mission Sunday  20th October 2013.

The theme of this year’s Mission Sunday is ‘Growing in Faith’. The annual collection for World Mission Sunday will take place at all Masses this weekend and will replace the SHARE Collection.

Slowly Making Cents!

The suggestion of a 10 cent (or more) offering to cover the cost of printing this weekly missalette, that we started two weeks ago, doesn’t (as yet) appear to be making the cents or the sense! we were expecting. A number of people told us how they just took up the sheet as usual, never thought of the 10 cent but upped the offering ‘on the plate!! when they read the piece ‘about it’ Just a reminder that what goes ‘on the plate’ goes straight to the Diocese – what goes to parish stays in the parish!!

An Experience of Meditation  and Contemplation

The last night of four of this series of talks, finishing with Sr Fionnuala Quinn takes place on Wed next, 23 Oct in St Brigid’s Parish Centre from 7.30 pm – 9 pm followed by refreshments.

Social Protection Information 

Important Notice

Please note that the above Information Service is available as follows:

 St Brigid’s Cabinteely – every Tuesday morning– 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Johnstown/Killiney Pastoral Centre – every Monday and Friday – 10.30 am – 12.30 pm.

Foxrock Pastoral Centre – every Thursday morning 10.30 am – 12.30 pm.

Aoife’s Shining Stars School of Speech & Drama

Monday – 2 – 3 pm – 3 – 6 year olds.

Parish Centre – Ph: Aoife – 087 970 3012 for more information.

The Irish Hospice Foundation Living with Loss

an information evening for the public about bereavement with guest speakers John Lonergan and Mary O’Rourke on Fri 1st Nov – Alexander Hotel, 41-47 Fenian St (off Merrion Square) from 5.30 – 8.30 pm. This is a drop in evening. Contact 679 3188 for more information.

The Fitness League

Exercise to music, suitable for the active retired takes place every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Parish Centre. Ph. 086 3900223 for further information. Call in any Thursday morning at 10.30 am.

Bridge Club / Request for Bridge Tables

We are planning on starting a Bridge Club/lessons in the new year in the Parish Centre. Do you have an unused bridge table in your home. Would you like to donate it to the Centre? All donations gratefully accepted. Contact Parish Office, 2858835 if you can help or if you wish to put your name on a list for play/lessons.

Avila Carmelite Centre – An Introduction to Centering Prayer

Continues on Tue Oct 22, 29 & Nov 5

7.30 – 9 pm.

How to Meditate – Sat 9th – 2 – 5 pm – €35

Faciliator: Sr Elizabeth, OSF, MA Spirituality.

More info or to register call 643 0200


Orlagh Retreat Centre

Wed Nov 13 – A Breathing Space – a peaceful morning in tranquil surrounding for those who need a break in busy life.

Contact: [email protected] / www.orlagh.ie or ph: 495 8190

Standing on my own two feet

Free information evening and discussion:

– The challenge of understanding bullying and passive behaviours.

– Championing my child and encouraging him/her to value himself/herself

– Ways to effect change – a holistic approach.

Wed Oct 23rd at 8 pm in St Brigid’s Girls School. Speaker: Gabrielle O’Herlihy


Cabinteely Couch to 5K  Family Fun Run – Walk, Jog or Run.

Sat 2nd Nov – 2 pm start from sports field adjacent to Dunnes Stores. Proceeds of run will go to the Christine O’Reilly Foundation to benefit Irish Cancer Society. To register: www.pitchperfectevents.ie before 27 Oct to avail of race t-shirt. See poster for more information.

Southside Partnerships

Free Self-Employment Week.

21st–25th October – 9.30am to 12.30pm

Mon 21st -Business Idea Generation.

Tue 22nd – Introduction to Self-employment

Wed 23rd – Introduction to Internet Marketing

Thurs 24 – Introduction to pricing your product/service

Fri 25th – Introduction to Taxation.

Phone 7060100 to book your place or e mail [email protected]