Thank You to all who continue to give donations to the Church Collections online and by post or cash. It is so much appreciated at this difficult time. You can make a donation online via the DONATE Page to the First Collection (which goes to the Common Fund and supports Priests), the Share Collection (which supports developing parishes and the Diocesan Administration), the Planned Giving (which directly supports the running of the Parish) and the Church Renovation Fund and the Easter Dues (which goes to the Common Fund and supports Priests). On the Donate Page you can give a once off payment or set up a recurring payment. You can also put your donation in an envelope and drop into letter box of the Parish Pastoral Centre (up the stairs at the door of the old Presbytery that is now part of the Centre) or post to St Brigid’s Parish, Cabinteely Dublin 18. If you have any difficulty with the using the Payzone Donate Facility on the Donate Page you can also donate via our Paypal Account below (let us know where you want your donation to go) . Many Thanks
Fr Aquinas