Talk for Carers on Dementia

Sep 16, 2019

HSE CHO 6 Dublin South Living Well with Dementia (LWwD) invites you to the following talk:


      Guest Speaker ––  Professor Brian Lawlor

Connolly Norman Professor of Old Age Psychiatry,

Director of the Memory Disorder clinic, St James Hospital and

Co-Director of the Global Brain Institute, Trinity College


Prof Lawlor will share his knowledge and clinical expertise around Dementia , from diagnosis, through the unpredictable journey for a person and their family , looking at the language around dementia, and talking about younger onset dementia .


The evening will commence with the presentation from the Guest Speaker at 7:10PM followed by a short Q&A time with time for discussion and chat!


Date: Monday  30th September 2019

Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm

Venue: Oatland’s College, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.

Oatland’s College Secondary School is located on Old Dublin Road, (slip-road) Stillorgan. The event will be held upstairs in the Sports Hall which is directly in front of the main entrance to the school.