Please Thank You and I’m Sorry

Jun 14, 2018

You may have noticed when driving by the Church that there are three posters on the railings. People have been asking what it is about.It is an initiative of Cabinteely Parish Pastoral Council in relation to the World Meeting of Families 2018. The world could change if we all lived these three simple phrases. It could impact family, parish, and communities at both National and International level.

World Meeting of Families 2018: Three Words to Live By:


“Please, thank you and I’m sorry”, are three words that Pope Francis said he “would love to write on the door of every family home.”

St. Brigid’s Parish recognizes their value and we would like to offer them as words to live by, not only in our homes but in all the places we find ourselves: our workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, communities. While we often consider them used exclusively in terms of politeness, perhaps we forget how powerful they are when they’re not only spoken but put into practice in our daily lives. What better way to put the Golden Rule of the Gospel into life and ‘do onto others as you would wish them to do unto you.’

In the words of Pope Francis:

“This is the request to enter the life of another with respect and care. Courtesy enkindles love and true love does not impose itself harshly or aggressively. “

“We are in danger of becoming a society of poor manners and unpleasant words. Politeness and the capacity to thank are often seen as a sign of weakness and at times even distrust. We must all learn to practice gratitude and recognition… the dignity of the person and social justice comes from this quality put into action”

“When this word is lacking, small cracks become bigger, to the point of becoming deep trenches. Acknowledging our mistakes and being willing to start over by saying sorry, and asking and receiving forgiveness are immeasurable steps towards restoring respect, trust and love”.

These three words are simple words, but perhaps we sometimes neglect their significance, forgetting how powerful they can be when we restore them to their rightful place in our hearts, in our homes and in our communities.

(Photo below by Tomas Murphy)