Next Sunday, 2 July 2017, the Peter’s Pence Collection takes place at all masses replacing the usual Share Collection (Second Collection)
Dear Friends,
Each year throughout the entire Church, on the Sunday nearest the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a collection is held for the charitable work of the Pope. It is interestingly one of the oldest collections in the Church. It was first mentioned in history as far back as 1031 and in Ireland it dates back to Norman times.
Pope Francis has shown us by his word and by his example the special concern he has for the poor and those on the periphery of society. He has said that he wants a Church which is poor and there for the poor. He has a special concern for the victims of human trafficking and modern forms of slavery. He has appealed on many occasions for support for the many Christians who suffer persecution because of their faith. Pope Francis’ own personal life style is marked by great simplicity.
The Peter’s Pence collection is a gesture of solidarity with the Pope in his care for the poor and I ask you to contribute generously also as a sign of your personal appreciation of the work of Pope Francis.
With sincere thanks for your generosity and with prayerful regards in the Lord, I ask you also to pray for Pope Francis and his ministry and for me.
Yours very sincerely
Diarmuid Martin
Archbishop of Dublin