Faith Development Groups
Centering Prayer Group: Wed 7pm – 8pm
Are you interested in deepening your relationship with God in a prayerful, meditative way? No experience of meditation needed.
Gospel Contemplation: Our Gospel Contemplation group has resumed on Fridays from 11.00 to 12.00. New members are most welcome. We begin with some quiet music and we light some candles. Then we read a passage from Scripture and try to visualise the scene. We read it a second time and rest in silence with the passage. We then share whatever we would like with the group. We follow with prayers for all our needs and we finish with the Our Father. It’s a very relaxing and enjoyable session and a great start to the week-end. Please feel free to join us
Divine Mercy: Tuesday: Divine Mercy Devotions after the 10 AM Mass
The Rosary is recited before the 10 AM mass on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays at 9.40 AM.
Please feel free to join any groups.