Collection to Support Lay Ministry
This weekend 18/19 May, we will for the first time hold a new collection which will be called the Ministry Sunday Collection.
This new annual collection will replace the Share Collection and will be devoted to support the building up of new forms of lay ministry in our parishes. The work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus in our changing religious culture will require more lay men and women working in various ways alongside our priests at the heart of parish communities.
The Ministry Sunday Collection is about ensuring that we will have the people we need – men and women who will be to the fore in making our parishes vibrant faith communities into the future.
While many of those involved will be volunteers, we will have to equip and train leaders and provide facilities for formation. We want to work towards a situation where all parishes in this Archdiocese benefit from their gifts and expertise. The new collection is one-step in that process. There are booklets giving further information at the back of the Church.