Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


5th Sunday of Easter

The analogy of vines and branches that is spoken of in today’s Gospel extract, has a strikingly relevant ring to it, even in the Ireland of 2012. Particularly so indeed, in these challenging financial and other circumstances! How often do we hear of people finding...

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4th Sunday of Easter

Albeit that today (Vocation Sunday) has had traditionally a specific focus only on a choice for being either a Priest, a religious Sister/Brother, the notion of ‘vocation’ is seen as more overarching in our own time. Of course the specifics of the Priesthood/...

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Third Sunday of Easter

Now that Easter is over and the last term of the School Year has begun – many assume that it’ll be ‘business as usual’ for the final furlong until June 2012! Not so this year! For the next number of weeks of this term, we’ll have the backdrop of the Eucharistic...

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2nd Sunday of Easter

The First Christians Defending the Christians before the Emperor Hadrian, Aristides, a non Christian, said of them: ‘These Christians love one another. They never fail to help widows. They save orphans from those who would hurt them. If a man has something, he gives...

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Easter Sunday

As long as the sun comes over the hills, scatters the darkness, and fills the world with light, as long as the fields get green again, and the primroses and violets return, as long as the trees fill up again with leaves, there is hope for us and for the world.  ...

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Palm Sunday

Welcome to Holy Week for yet another year. The Celebration of Easter 2012 and the lead into it, especially on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Saturday, will inevitably be the same (in expression) as any other year. However, for it to be a ‘renewed’ experience for...

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12th Sunday 5th Sunday of Lent

It has been a good few weeks since we’ve had our ‘usual’ style week-end mass sheet – so we’ve a lot to catch up on. Firstly, welcome to post Confirmation Season 2012, it seems almost to have snuck up on us during the relative calm of Lent. Last Tuesday week the boys...

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11th Sunday 4th Sunday of Lent

Reflection The Light of Christ. In Christ there is no trace of darkness. His light shows up the darkness in us. His truth shows up our lies. His integrity shows up our falseness. His generosity shows up our selfishness. His peace shows up our conflicts. His openness...

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10th Sunday 3rd Sunday of Lent

The House of God The following prayer was found written over the door of a church: ‘Lord, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and strife. Make its threshold smooth enough...

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9th Sunday – Second Sunday of Lent

Mountains Jesus often went into the hills to pray. He preached his most famous sermon from a hilltop. He was transfigured on Mount Tabor, died on Mount Calvary, and ascended to heaven from Mount Olivet. It seems that he loved hills and mountains. Why was this? Was it...

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