Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


News August 2013

For the month of August there will be no 4.30pm Mass in the Church 4.30pm Mass will resume on Sunday 15th September   For the month of August and up to the 15th September there will be no 11.30am Mass in St.Brigid’s Girl’s School. For the month of August the...

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The Park Residents Association

A short – 10 minute- meeting to solicit members for a new committee will be held on 23rd May at 8PM in the Parish Centre Followed by EGM to discuss Disbandment or reconstitution and/or other relevant issues On THURSDAY 29th May at 8 PM at St Brigid’s Parish...

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Guitar Recital

John O’Shea (ex pupil of St.Brigid’s School and Clonkeen College) will present a programme of classical, Spanish, contemporary and Irish music in St.Brigid’s Parish Centre on Sunday 28th April at 7pm. Donations in aid of the upkeep of the Parish Centre.

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The Sunshine Fund

The Sunshine Fund would like to thank most sincerely the congregation of St.Brigid’s Parish for their generous contribution on Palm Sunday.

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