Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


Parish Office Reopens 6th Jan

From tomorrow, Monday January 6th the Parish Office will be open as usual from 9 am to 4 pm. There are a large selection of cards for all occasions along with gifts for baby, birthday, etc available for purchase. There are books (in very good condition) for sale for...

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Mass Times From 12 January 2014

Sunday Mass Times in St Brigid’s Parish from 12th January 2014  6.30 pm Vigil (no change) 8.30 am (no change) 10 am (changed from 10.30 am) 11.15am Park Centre (changed from    11.30am) 12.30 pm (no change) 4.30 pm (no change)   Weekday Mass Times   Monday –...

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Chrismas Mass Times

CHRISTMAS VIGIL – 24th December 6.30 pm The Park Mass Centre – Families with young Children 8.30 pm Parish Church – Cantor / Carols 10.30 pm Parish Church - Choir / Carols from 10.00pm CHRISTMAS DAY – 25th December 8.30 am Parish Church – Cantor / Carols 10.30 am...

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15th December 2013 – 3rd Sunday of Advent

Today’s reading focuses on John the Baptist again, not this time in his role preparing the way for the Messiah, but rather as a witness to Jesus’ Messianic ministry. John the Baptist is in prison but has been told about what Jesus is doing. He is puzzled! Jesus’...

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Feast of All Saints – 3rd November 2013

Feast of All Saints - 3rd November 2013 Coming from the Feast of All Saints we remember Saints have pasts, and sinners have futures, if we can’t accept that fact at this stage of our lives – we can’t really claim to be too bright, can we? Not matching at times what we...

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Mission Sunday 21st October 2013

Mission Sunday - 20th October 2013 Like every other annual celebration or memorial that comes round every twelve months, Mission Sunday again this year runs the risk of ‘been there, done that before’!! about it. The sharpness of any message really is often lost in the...

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Reflection 14th June 2013

Conscious that “even-you-know-who” can quote scripture to suit himself' – nonetheless I admit this weekend to finding a very appropriate resonance, not to mention a relevant timely argument in today’s 2nd reading about law and freedom. It’s encouraging to hear from...

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Weekly News – 17th November 2013

Marie Keating Foundation A nurse from the Marie Keating Foundation will give two talks in the Parish Centre on Cancer Awareness, as follows:   Cancer Awareness – Talk for women Wed 20th November – 7.30 pm. Willow room Cancer Awareness – Talk for men Wed 27th Nov...

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Weekly News – 1st November 2013

Minister of the Word and Ministers of the Eucharist Rotas. The new rotas for both the Word and Eucharist are available for collection from the Sacristy.---------------------------------- The Three Tenors Will be giving a concert in the Parish Church on Sunday 8th...

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Weekly News – 20th October 2013

World Mission Sunday  20th October 2013. The theme of this year’s Mission Sunday is ‘Growing in Faith’. The annual collection for World Mission Sunday will take place at all Masses this weekend and will replace the SHARE Collection. Slowly Making Cents! The suggestion...

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