Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


New Leadership Training Programme for Young Adults.

The Office for Evangelisation and Ecumenism have been working with the Church of Ireland in Dublin to develop a new training programme for young adults who wish to train and learn how to be active and faith leaders with young people. The course begins in November. It...

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Come Pray Together

All our prayer groups are starting back again after the summer. We welcome new members. Feel free to join us on a ‘drop in’ basis.  Wed:   Centering Prayer         7 -8 pm Thurs: Lectio Divina               10.30 – 12 noon Thurs: Word Prayer Group      7.30 – 9 pm...

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Parish Office

The Parish Office is open daily from 9 am to 4 pm. Masses, Baptisms, Weddings can be booked. There is a large range of cards for all occasions (all selling at €1), a selection of gifts and many (almost new) books (all selling at €2). Drop in and have a look...

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Prayer Intention Box

Prayer Intention Box A Prayer Box is located at the back of the Church and all are invited to place their prayer requests there. The requests will be remembered on the 1st Sunday of every month as part of the Offertory and will be remembered each week by the Thursday...

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Bringing to Life the World of the Old Testament begins Monday, 6th October at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre. All welcome.

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St Brigid’s Way Cross

The next 10 bricks in our St Brigid’s Cross will be in place in the coming two weeks. For more information on the next batch (to be completed by Christmas) please give the Parish Office a call or just drop in

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Clonkeen College Open Evening for students in 5th class and their parents takes place on Tuesday next, 7th October from 7 – 9 pm.

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The new rota for Ministers of the Word is available for collection from the sacristy this weekend.

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Altar Servers

Thank you to the boys and girls who have put their name forward to train as altar servers here in St Brigid’s. The second training session will take place tomorrow (Monday) at 5 pm in the Sacristy. There are forms available in the sacristy this weekend for anyone who...

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