Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


  WORLD DAY OF PRAYER will be held at Church of Ireland, Kill –O – The Grange on Friday 4th March at 10.45am. A warm welcome aw aits you.

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Celebration of Mercy “24 Hours for the Lord”

Celebration of Mercy “24 Hours for the Lord” Friday 4th & Sat 5th March Adoration from 7pm until 10pm on Friday Adoration after the rosary on Sat from 10am until 6pm Finishing with 6.30pm Vigil Mass accompanied by the choir. Please join us and support this special...

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Gospel Group

The Gospel group are seeking a Musical Director to lead a dynamic, exciting, fun, four-part group of singers and musicians. If you or someone you know may be interested there are further details on the notice board at the back of the church

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Doing something special for lent? Come to an Evening Prayer of Light on Wednesdays during Lent at 6.30pm in St Brigid’s Church. 20 minutes of Prayer, Readings, Chanting Psalms & Reflection

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Lenten Day Retreat

Lenten Day Retreat 5th March, 10am-5pm, Cost €20 Lunch, Tea/Coffee provided Venue: Faith & Family Centre, Dalriada House, Avoca Ave., Blackrock, Co. Dublin Contact: 01-2889317

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Home Contact Group

Are looking for new volunteers who would help those parishioners who are sick, elderly, housebound or like a chat or to receive Holy Communion. Please contact Yvonne Sheehan on 01- 2857703

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Date for your diary

St Brigid’s 17th Golf Classic will take place in Charlesland Golf Club on Thursday 19th May. Tee-times from 1 pm. Format – Rumble – 4-person team Cost: €65 per person /€260 per team Includes golf and 3 course meal in St Brigid’s Parish Centre served from 8 pm. Great...

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Special Intentions

  All Intentions left in our Prayer Box (since this time last year) and which have been prayed over weekly by the Thursday Morning Prayer Group have been burnt and their ashes placed in the Parish Garden. New Intentions very welcome.

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Ash Wednesday

Next Wednesday 10th February is Ash Wednesday. Mass that day will be at 10am Ashes will be distributed after Mass. Ashes will also be available in the Church all day for those who wish to sign themselves.

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