Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


Meeting for Parents of Current First Classes

First Holy Communion 2018   A meeting of the parents of the current First Classes in St Brigid’s Boys and Girls’ National School will take place next Wednesday 7th June at 8 PM in the St Brigid’s Girls School in the Park. The meeting is for the parents of Boys...

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Prayer for Manchester

Prayer for Manchester   God of compassion, you are at the side of all who undergo the cruelty of human violence.   We entrust to you the victims of the terror attack in Manchester and their families.   Deeply disturbed by the incomprehensible sufferings...

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May Month of Mary

A beautiful hymn associated with Mary and the month of May is "Bring Flowers of the Rarest". Hear a recording of it sung by Canon Sydney McEwan.

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First Holy Communion Masses

We remember in our prayers all the boys and girls from St Brigid's Boys and Girls Schools who will be making First Holy Communion on the weekends of the 6th and 7th May and on the 13th May. The Girls School masses will be on Saturday 6th May at 10 AM and 12 Noon and...

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Easter Vigil Baptism

At our Easter Vigil Mass on the 15th April 2017, Sadie Rose McGrath was baptised during the Vigil mass. See below photo of Sadie Rose with her parents Ann Marie and Thomas.

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Easter Polish Blessing of Food

On Holy Saturday morning (15 April 2017), a Polish Blessing of Food took place in St Brigid's Church Cabinteely. The celebrant was our deacon, Rev Jeremy Seligman. See Photos by Magna below.  

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Pilgrimage to Lourdes

The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from the 7 to the 12th September. Fr Arthur O'Neill will be on the pilgrimage. If any of parishioners would liker to go on the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes there are booking forms available in the parish...

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Marjorie McGarry RIP

We express our deepest sympathy to the family of Marjorie McGarry, who died on the 12th April 2017. Her funeral Prayer Service will take place in St Brigid's Church Cabinteely on Holy Saturday 15th April at 10.30 AM with burial afterwards in Shanganagh Cemetery. May...

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