Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


New Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin

St Brigid’s Cabinteely is delighted to announce the appointment by the The Holy Father Pope Francis  of  Fr Donal Roche our current PP,  as Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin. The news of this episcopal appointment was made public this morning at 11am Irish time (12pm in...

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An invitation to residents of Cherrywood who would like to be more involved in their local Catholic community. At present, there is no plan to build a church in this huge  developing area but the church is more about people than buildings. If you are interested in...

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Ash Wednesday

Wednesday next Feb 14th is  Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. There will be Mass here in St Brigid’s at 10am and this will include the blessing and distribution of ashes.   Blessed ashes will also be left  near the altar throughout the day.  

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St Brigid’s Day 2024

St Brigid’s Day 2024 Mass will be broadcast from St Brigid’s Church Cabinteely at 10.30am on Thursday Feb 1st 2024 on the RTE news channel. It will however,  be pre- recorded from earlier that day i.e. 7am.  All parishioners are very welcome to attend the early mass....

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St Colmcille Partnership of Parishes

St Colmcille Partnership of Parishes St Brigid’s, Cabinteely & Cherrywood, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Johnstown / Killiney, St Alphonsus & Columba Apostles & St Stephen’s ,Ballybrack / Killiney, St. Columbanus, Loughlinstown, Our Lady of Victories,...

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ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT On behalf of the Parish Finance Committee I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank each one of you who supports our parish financially throughout the year. As you will appreciate, there is considerable expense involved in...

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Share Appeal Sunday

Share Appeal Sunday takes place this weekend  Nov 11th/12th  highlighting the important work that is funded by the weekly  collection.   Read the share newsletter below for more information Share Newsletter 2023

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