11th Sunday in Ordinary Times

Jun 16, 2012

At the end of a very significant week in terms of the impact of Faith on this Nation (either negatively or positively) on account of the International Eucharist Congress  – how can anyone comment further or better?


All of us, right across the spectrum of Irish life, were able to get a firsthand surface glimpse of a variety of reactions that ordinarily lie much deeper!  We could see quite clearly a visible manifestation that the Eucharist might certainly be the source, as well as the means, of unity – but that doesn’t necessarily have to mean uniformity!!


From what some see as the lunatic fanatical fringe at one end of the spectrum of Irish life, right across those interested, disinterested, the misinformed and frustrated, those hurt as well as those hopeful at the other end – all shades of opinion experience and understanding in between got an airing! Everyone I hope having the honesty to identify with;


“I believe Lord – help my unbelief”!


Yes indeed! this Eucharistic Congress was much more real than a triumphalistic series of pageants, parades or processions!   What a momentous week on our Faith journey!


In conclusion; hopefully that Faith that takes us to church again this weekend, will continue to bless us and the generations after us in this challenging way!

      A O’N


May God bless you with discomfort

At easy answers, half-truths,

Superficial relationships, so that you

Will live deep within your heart.


May God bless you with anger at

Injustice, oppression, and

Exploitation of people, so that you

Will work for justice, equity,

And peace.

May God bless you with tears to

Shed for those who suffer from pain,

Rejection, starvation and war, so

That you will reach out your hand to

Comfort them and change

Their pain into joy.


And may God bless you with the

Foolishness to think that you can

Make a difference in the world, so

That you will do the things which

Others tell you cannot be done.

                                       Author unknown