Church Open for Public Masses

Jul 11, 2020

Update in relation to the Re-opening of the Church

Let’s Begin Together

(Please see detailed advice to Churches from the HSE below

COVID_religious settings published 08.07.20 )

Over the last number of weeks we have been working hard to prepare our Church for the ‘New Normal’ so that we can open safely. We have been appealing also for volunteers for the many stewards and cleaning teams that will be required. Thank You to those who have responded. If you would like also to put your name forward just email the Parish Office [email protected] or phone 01-2858835. The more Volunteers we have particularly for Sunday the more Masses we can put on.

St Brigid’s Church has been treated with Re-Active Barrier Technology. The Church was misted with a chemical solution that kills all germs including Covid 19 on contact. Additionally, when the solution dries a barrier is created. If subsequent germs are re-introduced to the surface the solution reactivates and eradicate those germs and viruses immediately on contact. We will each week continue to apply this solution to all surfaces.

As there will be no baskets being passed around for collections, there are now two permanent boxes (Photos below) inside the door and and in the Gallery for the First Collection (Common Fund from which an allowance is paid to priests) and the Second Collection (Share which supports developing parishes and the Diocesan Administration). There is also a  double envelope for these collections and we ask you to write your name and address on them so we can claim tax back on the donation. You can also place the Planned Giving envelope in any of these boxes. You can also donate online via our Donate Page.

We reopened with the first Public Mass on Monday 6th July. We had a full complement with 50 people present. Throughout the rest of the week we had an average daily attendance of 28. On Sunday we can only accommodate 70 and with families in the one bench can take up to 100 (50 below and 50 above) . There will be just one Sunday mass at 10 AM for now. We are asking people where possible to attend at the weekday Mass rather than on Sunday.

We continue to appeal for volunteers for the role of stewards required for midweek and Sunday mass. Thank You to those who have already responded. If you would like to put your name forward just email the Parish Office [email protected] or phone 01-2858835.

We ask People to continue to

*Follow the directions of the Stewards:
*Practice social distancing,
*Sanitise hands on the way in and out;
*Enter by front door and exit by side chapel door;
*Wear a face covering in the Church where possible;
*Holy Communion will be distributed after Mass as you are leaving the Church;
*No congregational singing,
*Provision of Tea afterwards is suspended for now
*Use of the Bathroom is by request:
*If you not feeling well please do not come to the Church;
*If you have any underlying medical conditions you may wish to continue watching Mass via our web cam.


We are on this journey together so let’s begin together slowly and carefully.

Fr Aquinas

11 July 2020

See a Video Walk Through the Church to familiarise yourself