The Birth of St John the Baptist

Jun 23, 2012

This Sunday, being the last Sunday in June, and the beginning of the primary school childrens’ summer holiday’s, makes for an adjustment in the routine of life of our parish here in St Brigid’s as well.


First off a reminder that the 11.30 am Sunday Mass in the Mass Centre in the Park will not be celebrated for the months of July and August. The usual Sunday Mass times in the church will continue as usual.


Next, to acknowledge with grateful thanks the faithful weekly contribution of the Gospel Group at the 12h30 Mass each Sunday. They will be heading into their well deserved summer break after this Sunday – and we miss them already!


The 30th June this year sees another page turn as well for St Brigid’s – a page in the life of service to Family Life in the parish and surrounding area.  For so long this vital and much appreciated service has been supported by Government Funding and Parish back-up.  You can easily guess what impact the present economic climate has had on that! However, thanks to the dedication and commitment of the Board Members and Counsellors (most notably, though she herself wouldn’t like to be singled out – Kay O’Hanlon) for the sterling service over so many years. Their experience and care has ensured a firm foundation has been laid. It is on this sure footing that the next chapter of Services to individuals and families in our parish has to be built.  An evening of appreciation will take place during the Summer.


You’ll notice from next week on as well that our usual style of Sunday Mass leaflet will also change for July and August. This will be a break from my weekly musings – to be replaced by those of the Dominican Order! It’s said that a change is as good as a rest!! Events and announcements of local parish happenings will be given in the notices at the end of Mass on the ‘summer’ Sunday’s.


Another ‘once-off’ to mark the beginning of the silly season will be a lotto landmark!  IF the parish lotto is not won outright this Saturday or the following Saturday, (the 30th June) we will keep rolling numbers until we draw the winning numbers to whom we will give or share €5,000 – this sum will of course deplete the accumulated prize figure to date by that amount.


That’s about it then. Have a good July and August.

      A O’N