Parish News

St. Brigid's Parish


St. Brigid’s Boys’ and Girls’ Schools are holding their Christmas Fair today Sunday 29th November 2pm-5pm in St. Brigid’s Boys’ School Mart Lane.

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  Can you help? Volunteers required.   Urgent Help required Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Parish Centre. Tasks include helping set up rooms for groups and car park supervision. Time 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Contact the Parish Office during the week or...

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The Dublin Diocesan Children’s Pilgrimage to Lourdes are holding a Church Gate Collection next weekend. The DDCP bring 40 children to Lourdes at Easter. The children have special needs or are sick. This collection covers all costs for the children. All helpers,...

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A Journey for Advent

To help us prepare and rediscover the Season of Advent, a Service of Prayer and Reflection will be held on Wednesday, 2nd December at 8 pm in the Church. All Welcome

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The Miscarriage Association of Ireland Annual Service of Remembrance Sunday, 8th November at 3 pm in St Teresa’s Church, Donore Ave, off South Circular Road. All affected by the loss of a baby, whether the loss was recent or long ago are welcome to attend.

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Altar Lists of the Dead

Each First Friday during the year all Masses in this Church are for those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead. If you have a name that you’d like to add to our list, forms/envelopes are available at the back of the Church and can be returned to the Sacristy...

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Prof.  Farinella, author of ‘On the Pathways of the World’ and Vatican Radio correspondent from Ireland will give a talk on his book in St Brigid’s Parish Centre on Wed, 4th Nov from 7.30 – 9.30 pm. This book brings to life the immense religious but also cultural...

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Bank Holiday Monday. As Monday is a Bank Holiday there will be one morning mass only, at 10 am. The Parish Office will be closed on Monday.

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Annual Bereavement Mass

The special Mass to remember our loved ones who have died this past year will be held on Monday, 9th November at 7.30 pm in St Brigid’s Parish Church. All invited, especially anyone who lost a relative or friend during this time. Tea/coffee will be served in the...

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Final Reminder: Wednesday next, 14th October is the last date for accepting photographic entries for our 2016 Parish Calendar. Please submit to [email protected],

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Self Care day for Family Carers Venue: Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire Date and time : Mon, 2nd Nov, 10 am to 3 pm The day will have two facilitated workshops:   Understanding stress in your own life and how it impacts on you. Building on the skills you have to...

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St Brigid’s Parish Cook Book.   Do you have a family favourite recipe? The parish would like to publish a Cook Book of favourite dishes donated by parishioners. Can you send us your recipe, if possible with a photo of the finished product and one of the cook (if...

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